Sunday, 3 January 2010

Best way to lose fat and get a six pack

The Best Exercise To Keep Your Abdomen Flat

There are different kinds of exercises for your abs and it works in a different way so before you do any dieting or abs training you must understand first the components of the abs and how it work. For every exercise there are also different effects on your abs, one thing that you should know is what exercise builds muscles and helps burn fat around your abs.

If you are doing crunches and sit-ups, you are working on your biggest muscles on your abs, it also as well bend your spine which is the rectal abdomen. In a certain point the abdomen was contracted by these muscles. But it is not only that muscles that matters, there is also other group of muscles that you should giving attention.

There is also what you called the external and internal oblique muscles; this is your muscle of your abs on the sides. But I love to call these muscles as Nature's Girdle. These muscles are included when you twist the body at your waist and if you are moving sideways. The abdomen packs together when the moment they contract. These muscles are one thing you should work on the same way you do in your rectal abdomen. The perfect exercise for them to reduce your flab is when you do side bends with the dumbbell and crunching at the same time. You should know if it is okay for you to do this especially if you have a current problem with your back.

What we called the muscles under the oblique that often address as the lower abs is the transverses abdomen. Most women have this problem especially after giving birth; this is the area where they concentrate the most to reduce their flab. The best exercise for this is raising your legs, it will work better than exercises that are using the upper part of the body.

Also one of the best flab abs burning exercises is running and walking, it works the best and very effective. You should not just walk you should also make your arms swing, keep on a fast rate when walking while you are contracting your abdominal. When your body get used to everyday walking, you can't help doing it and you will be addicted to it. At least 30 minutes of walking will offer you the effect of aerobic. Plus drinking a lot of water is a big necessity, so do not forget it.

This training not only gives you stronger bones but also your metabolism will improve. This is important to women out there to prevent having an osteoporosis, so the one who is active in exercising has lesser to have this. When you add muscles it will improve your self confidence and will increase your energy level.

Weight training will give you a more lady-like figure and symmetrical. It is not true that weight lifting will not give you muscle that will convert to and won't make your body bulky.

One way of making your body stronger is Yoga, it is very effective to make your back and abs stronger and also burn the fats around it. Yoga will not just improve your body posture but also give you a leaner and taller appearance. Some best alternatives are mat based workout and pilates.

What will really help you is to choose the kind of exercise that you like so that you will continue doing.

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