Tuesday, 26 January 2010

new years promises how to keep them

As January comes to a close, has your New Year's resolution already ended? Don't worry, you are not on your own. This is probably because most of us challenge ourselves, often to make fundemental changes to our lifestyle without making adequate preparation or even giving enough thought to the effect of those changes. We also tend to take on too much what are the chances of sticking to, "losing weight, exercising, quitting smoking and reducing stress" ?....all at the same time, probably zero for most of us.

It is important is that the individual has the necessary time and energy to devote to making the changes and takes time to considered what actions are neccessary to achieve their goals. These are the 5 easy steps.

1. Set attainable goals. Unreasonable goals set people up for failure. If you've been 50 pounds overweight since college, it's unreasonable to think you're going to drop that weight overnight, set small monthly goals.

2. Hold yourself accountable. New Year's resolutions are just as easy to dismiss as they are to make. If you want it, do it.

3. Be positive. Healthy lifestyle changes, such as exercising or quitting smoking, can have a big impact on your overall health. Rather than focusing on what you're giving up, concentrate on the rewards of your hard work " like a new spring wardrobe in a smaller size " and celebrate your successes.

4. Have a support system. Surrounding yourself with people who will help you achieve your goals is the most important thing you can do to increase your chance of success, Include a friend, sports trainer, health insurance company or doctor in your plans. This will increase the likelihood of keeping your resolution.

5. Persevere. Many times New Year's resolutions are derailed by one slip up, which doesn't have to be the case, just focus on the big picture. If your resolution is to quit smoking and you have a cigarette, start fresh the next day. You also can use your slip up as a learning tool. Why did it happen and what can you do to prevent it from happening again? By asking yourself these important questions and seeking additional support, you can get back on track to a healthier lifestyle - some companies may even give you a discount on your health insurance policy.

Let's say you do manage to achieve your initial goal, have you thought about how you will maintain the weight loss, what you will do with your hands when you are out with your friends and they light up, when you don't make it to the gym for a full week? Have you thought it through? Have you got a contingency plan? If not, all that effort could have been for nothing

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