Sunday, 24 January 2010

Creating a bodybuilding routine

Unfortunately, there isn't a magic formula you can use to create the perfect body building routine. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to create the most effective body building routine for you - a routine that blends your body's needs with your schedule.

Overall Health

The first item to consider when creating your routine is your overall health. Are you physically fit or do you have health problems you need to consider before starting your routine? Your health determines what your body is capable of doing so understanding this upfront helps you to cater your workout to fit your health. Whether you're physically fit or not, most health experts agree scheduling rest days into your body building routine is imperative.

Concentrates on Body Parts

Another important aspect of an effective body building routine is that the routine concentrates on specific body parts. While one day the routine may work on your upper body, the next day focuses on your lower body. Cardiovascular workouts should also be included throughout your routine. At least two days of rest should also be included each week.

Clearly Defined Goals

Another important part of your bodybuilding routine is setting specific goals. By setting goals, you have something to strive for and have a way of measuring your success (or failure) in reaching your goals. Your goals also dictate how to create your routine because someone who is trying to lose weight is going to have a different workout routine than someone who is trying to build body mass.

In order to create an effective body building routine, make sure your routine contains these three important aspects. Creating the right routine for you and your body depends on it and helps you to achieve your body building goals.

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