Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Get beach abs in 2010

If you want to lose weight this new year and get ready for the summer by getting beach ready washboard abs, then you already know the importance of working out and eating proper nutrition to keep healthy. What most people don't understand however is the fact that they need to be disciplined enough to follow their training regimen strictly so that they stick with it long enough for the results to show.

A lot of times, many of us will feel tempted to skip a workout for a wide variety of reasons. There could be a couple of TV shows on you wanted to watch, maybe you had long tiring day at work, or it could be something as simple as it's raining outside. Whenever you feel this laziness creeping up on you, be sure to do everything you can to fight the temptation to skip a workout. It might be easy to think that you're going to skip it today, but make it up in the gym tomorrow, but by giving yourself the license to skip a workout it will be that much easier to stray from the path and just quit working out altogether.

One tip that you can use to make sure that you are sticking to your workouts is to give yourself a small reward every time you go to the gym. This could be an extra half an hour of television, or a small snack that you've been dying for all week. You can also reward yourself by allowing some time to play a video game. The important thing is that you reward yourself and do something that you genuinely feel you deserve for sticking to your workout goals. You can also make it a condition upon yourself that if you go to the gym five times this week you'll buy yourself a special treat on the weekend. Positive reinforcement works wonders for establishing discipline.

If you really are determined to lose weight, burn fat, and look good for the beach by this summer, then it is important that you buckle down and do the work required in order to do this. There really is no easy way of getting ripped washboard adds except for you to put in the work necessary to look good. The ultimate reward is when you take off your shirt at the beach and you have tons of ladies giving you the attention that you have worked for the past several months.

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