Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Great lower abs workout

Every woman would like to have flat, sexy abs that can make them look fitter and lovelier. Having these is not an accident. A woman has to pour in a lot of time and dedication in doing stomach workouts. There is also a lot of discipline involved in choosing the right kinds of food to eat. A good start towards getting flat stomach is to do the right workouts for abs. Any woman interested in doing this should consider these three effective exercises for abs.

1. Crunches using exercise ball is an ideal exercise for those who are just beginning to exercise. To begin this exercise, a woman has to sit on the exercise ball, placing the hands on the back of the head. She then has to lower the body until both the shoulders and the upper back sit on top of the ball. After that, she has to lift the pelvic so that the lower back will be straightened, while the buttocks are tightened and the stomach muscles contracted strongly.

Workouts for abs put the pressure on the abdominals, and exercise ball crunches employ the same. A woman has to keep the elbows at the side while slowly raising the shoulders so as not to pull the neck. The crunch will be felt on the abdominals, while the muscles in the buttocks and thighs will be working in this exercise. This position should be kept on hold for a few seconds before the shoulders are lowered to the ball.

2. The floor bicycle movement is another of the effective workouts for abs for women. This exercise needs no equipment, as a woman has to lie on the ground with the hands placed behind the head and the legs extended. She then has to contract the ab muscles and then lifting one leg, bending the knee and raising the shoulders a couple of inches from the ground. Then she has to bring the knee and elbow near each other, and lowering the stance before alternating legs. This exercise is similar to a person's movement while riding a bicycle.

Like in other workouts for abs for women, the floor bicycle movement should be done carefully. A variation can be done by closing in on the knee and elbow from opposite sides, having the body turning from one side to another. This variation particularly works out the oblique muscles, including the muscles in the upper and lower parts of the abdomen.

3.The last recommended abs workout for women is the hanging knee raises. In this exercise, a woman needs to use a Captain's Chair gym equipment, unlike most workouts for abs. This abs exercise starts with the woman holding to a padded arm bar and the feet and legs hanging down. A woman has her lower back straightened and supported by the back rest. While contracting the abs muscles, the woman has to lift both of her knees near to the chest, pausing slowly before returning the legs to their original position. This exercise is effective because it focuses on the lower and upper abdominal muscles, while also strengthening the arm and back muscles.

1 comment:

  1. Twist back to center, push off your left foot, and stand back up. Repeat on the other leg. Flat Sexy Abs for Women Program
