Saturday, 6 March 2010

How to save money on your next car

Car donations are on the rise for several reasons, the biggest being that selling a used car can be more trouble than it's worth. First, if the car isn't in running condition, you should fix it so it is. Next, you need to advertise, and these days you can't even get an ad for free online in many major cities. Then comes the waiting around to show the car. Anyone who has ever sold a used car will tell you that half of the people who say they are coming to see it, never do. Once you sell the car, there's the Department of Motor Vehicles paperwork to deal with in order to complete the transfer. Why not avoid the hassle and donate your car instead, through

We will pick up your car, whether it's running or not, for free. Wondering exactly how to donate a car? Here's how it works:

Go to to select which charity you would like to receive the proceeds when you donate your car. We represent more than 400 charities, and through car donations we have given them more than $60 million.

Next, fill out a Charity Car Donation Pick Up Form on our website or call 800-269-6814. We have representatives to help you donate your car from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (PST). They can also answer any questions you have about how to donate a car if you are still deciding.

Once we receive the form or call, we enter your information into our system immediately and send to a towing company in your area. They will contact you within 24 hours to schedule a pick up so that you can donate your car.

When the driver picks up the car, he will provide a tax receipt for your records. That receipt is all you will need come tax time, unless your car sells for more than $500 at auction. If so, we will provide you with an additional receipt and you may write off up to the total sale price as a deduction. These tax savings are another big reason why car donations are on the rise.

Lastly, we handle all Department of Motor Vehicle paperwork to complete the sale. We also pick up trucks, vans, airplanes, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, boats and trailers, if you have one of these larger items you wish to donate. The information above regarding how to donate a car applies to these items, as well.

To learn more about how to donate a car or how to become one of the charities we work with, please visit us at or call 800-269-6814. You can browse the hundreds of charities or search for one in particular. We represent a wide range of charities, from Jacob's Heart, which helps young cancer patients and their families, to the Dog Squad, which rescues abandoned dogs and finds forever homes for them. Please help one of these worthy charities and donate your car today.

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