Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Easy to follow tips for success online

In order to succeed in distance learning you need to know how to balance work, school, family, leisure and also surround yourself with positive family, friends, and co-workers. As soon as you enroll in an online distance learning class, the following tips will help you get to the finish line with your education.

Get input from former students of the course - Find out where the easy areas of the course are and what areas need extra concentration. This will help you strategize and arrange your balance your learning schedule.

Get familiar with the course design and structure - Spend time looking at the course syllabus even before you register. If the college uses a learning management system, spend time clicking around and see what different functions and options are available to you. Decide if you can be a successful self-directed learner in this particular study content.

Be realistic so you can stay motivated - If there is insufficient time in your personal schedule to do the work of the course, you will be frustrated. You will not have to keep a class attendance schedule, but you will have to do regular academic work.

Set interim goals and deadlines - Thinking about doing the whole course can be overwhelming. Accomplishing parts of it in reasonable time periods is encouraging and constructive. Also don't forget to take time off to relax and recoup.

Organize your goals in a study schedule - Remember you should be spending at least two study hours each week for every credit you are taking. Identify study times when you are fresh and attentive and stick to those times every week.

Stay in touch with your instructor - Visit or call your assigned instructor regularly. Sometimes you may think you are not even sure about how to ask a question about your work. That's when the teacher can help most!

Evaluate your own progress regularly - Re-read the course objectives and standards often to see how you are progressing with them. Check when exams and tests are due. Keep a running schedule and check them off as you progress along.

Store or print all your materials - Distance learning courses have many different materials. Remember you are not just watching or listening. You are learning from those various materials. Take or print notes. Imagine questions that might be on a test from your study guide, from your textbook, from video or audio tapes.

Time your tests wisely - Be sure you have mastered the material that will be the basis for a particular test before you take that test. Don't be in too much of a rush as some test cannot be re-launched once started.

Find some study-buddies - If you need the companionship of other learners for academic success, ask your instructor for help in identifying other students who may want to work with you.

Discuss your progress - Ask your instructor at various points in the course how your progress is going. Point out areas that you think is difficult or unclear. Ask for help. You are in charge here. The instructor is your coach, but you have to execute the plays.

Find your most effective motivators - what makes you persevere at a task? Do you get excited when you master a skill? Do you need a reward? Will promising yourself a pleasant diversion increase your concentration? e.g. "I'll study for two solid hours, and then I'll call my friend who's just back in town." Don't make the phone call before you study; it's too likely you'll wind up dropping the books for a good time with your friend. Remember the importance of sticking to a schedule. Pretend you really are in class when you are scheduled to do your course work.

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