Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Top garden tips

Aussies love to garden. We live in a very varied range of eco systems and every one presents its own challenges. A source of information for ideas and for solving gardening problems is a valuable thing and so they want a magazine that meets that purpose. It has to be straight forward, and it has to be full of practical information.

One of the most popular magazines in Australia and across the world is Home and Garden. This offers a variety of articles focused on delivering practical help in the garden, and a;lso in the home. A recent focus is eco friendly information including how to's for solar panels, wind generators, and what technologies are available to enhance the home's energy efficiency. They also have a listing of suppliers for home and gardening supplies, printed regularly and obviously available online, at their website. Just like Home and Garden across the world, this publication is heavy on advertising, so you must work your way through an issue to get to all the articles, but the suppliers you need will be easy to find. Subscriptions are available online at Magcentral.com.au for 12 or 24 months.

Another circulation winner is Organic Gardener. It gains it's massive market share because it contains plenty of information and no advertisements. Since 1993, this magazine has regularly produced 48 pages of ideas and techniques for producing organic food. Other important topics that have rated attention include eco friendly landscaping, animal husbandry, additives to watch for in bought food, and a range of design ideas.

It also provides a wealth of information on ways to build a variety of different self sustaining alternative energy sources, with realistic ideas, plans and suppliers available. This is a no nonsense magazine that everyone should own, and is available on a bi-monthly basis, both in Australia, as well as internationally. A six month subscription is just $18, $35 for 12 months, and International orders are only available in 12 month subscriptions, and cost 50 Australian dollars.

The home and garden niche is very popular and many are worth a look including Handyman Magazine, whose focus is on DIY projects that can enhance the garden and the home. Inside and Out, Australian Country Collections and Country Style also feature on the list, but have a leaning toward decorating ideas and making the living space more their own.

So while there are many Australian Home and Garden magazines, there are but a few that truly focus on practical tips and ideas that you can use on an every day basis. There are many different sites that you can check out for yourselves, just to be sure.

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