Saturday, 13 February 2010

How to impress your friends

How to dazzle folk with your psychic readings, even if you aren't psychic

wouldn't it be great to be in a position to impress a room full of people, whenever you wanted? The true price of having a show stopping party trick is precious. Imagine if you could perform psychic readings, any time you wanted to, and to whomever you wanted to! If you're interested in learning how to give galvanizing fake psychic readings, read on to learn the tricks and tips for how it's possible for you to give great psychic readings, without tuning into the world of the dead.

Cold psychic reading : the facts
using a system called cold psychic reading, almost anybody can give a powerful reading. Cold psychic reading is a science that you might spend several years studying. Those who do study the cold psychic reading systems report great success with almost anybody they try it with.

fundamentally, cold psychic reading involves a sequence of assumptions about anybody standing before you. There are no real psychic readings concerned in cold reading! Based on what they appear to be, what garments they are wearing and even who they were sitting with, you can make a sequence of guesses that'll be useful for your reading.

it's been demonstrated many times, and it's a growing interest amongst people who use it in a selection of other settings. Everybody wants to learn this amazing trick!
Before giving a fake psychic reading :

Read everything you can get your hands on about cold psychic reading and how it is applicable to psychic readings. This article is only an extremely short lived introduction into what is a science of its own. Real psychic readings are best left to experienced psychics.

Meditate, relax and practice these systems in a subtle way. Before you try to give a cold psychic reading, start subtly practicing on the people around you.

in the 'psychic reading' :
select your target carefully : somebody who is enthusiastic about psychic readings and offers themselves up keenly for the prerogative will be easy to read!

Take as many clues as you can from what they are saying : Often times they won't even understand that they have given you enough information for several 'psychic readings' in just a few words.

Use pre-selected statements during your psychic readings : There are a number of great suggestions out there. Perform some research and learn what categories of statements you can make that will make anyone feel you are talking especially about them!

Doing a cold psychic reading is a little like going fishing. You supply the bait and dangle it under their noses till they bite on something. In the world of cold psychic readings, this is often known as hits and misses. It only takes some misses to destroy the trustworthiness of your psychic readings. However , the human mind is hard wired to recollect things that are noteworthy, or special in some way, especially during psychic readings! The people you read are way more sure to remember that you discussed their grandma 'unique way of thinking' or granddad's favorite rocking chair than the undeniable fact that you missed a few points during your psychic reading.

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