Monday, 8 February 2010

How to make your tank beautiful

Everyone loves a good pet. The beauty and the companionship of an animal can be one of the most fulfilling things that life can offer. And depending on what you hope to get out of the relationship, discus fish can make wonderful additions to your home and family. While they are not exactly the kind of animal you can hold and caress, they are still very rewarding to their owners, as long as you take good care of them and give them an environment, where they can be the best they can possibly be. That's why if you are considering keeping discus fish, you need to know a few things about how these creatures thrive. It all starts with tank decor, and in order to get things right, you must remember the following four goals for choosing the right environment for your discus fish:

Choosing the right size of tank: This is important because a discus fish, like goldfish, are not exactly limited in the size they will become. If you would like to see your discus fish reach greater sizes, then keeping discus in a bigger tank is always the way to go. These beautiful and often colorful creatures will only thrive so much as their environs allow. Keep this in mind when selecting the perfect size. Of course, the amount of room you have will bear an influence on where your discus fish ends up. Just make sure to do your best in selecting an environment that is roomy enough for the discus fish to reach its full potential in compliance with your own expectations.

Getting the most out of your tank's setup: While some owners choose to lay a planted terrain for the inside of their discus fish tank, breeders prefer the clear bottom. This allows discus fish to get more nourishment from its daily feedings, as the food has nowhere to hide. It also, in going back to point one, allows more space, so that the discus fish will have the room to benefit even more from its diet.

Selecting appropriate tank mates: You don't think discus fish are capable of having stress? Just put the wrong sort of tank mate inside with it, and you will see this is not the case. Discus fish experience stress just like most any other creature. If an overly aggressive tank mate is placed inside the tank with your discus fish, it is likely to recede in its growth, development, and nourishment.

Using the right type of tank filter: There are a multitude of tank filters that are there to protect your discus fish, though some do better jobs than others. If possible, avoid chemical filtration systems, as these can often hold in some of the impurities of the water, putting your discus fish at risk in the long term.

Keeping discus fish should be rewarding and fun. Stay educated and informed, and give yours the best environment for the best future!

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