Tuesday, 2 February 2010

downloading movies on to playstation

In recent years, downloading has become more popular than ever before, having expanded beyond movies and music to now include games from nearly any game platform you could imagine from the Commodore 64 to the PS3. A German bandwidth management solution, Ipoque, published a study in February of 2010 that found in 2009, 27-55% of all internet traffic, depending on where the user is living, is made up of people uploading and downloading torrents, files uploaded to the internet available for mostly free downloads, via peer to peer networks.

With this increase in the amount of downloads occurring, the amount of problems encountered such as viruses, malicious code, horrible download speeds, and other issues experienced conversely rise. A popular issue that many encounter are long download times that are often attributed to user ran sites where not everyone participates in sharing the file with others after they have downloaded it, leading to swarms of downloaders. When more than six hundred people are all trying to download the same file from only four people, the wait time can climb into the days just to get one game or movie. Finding older games or movies can also be more difficult than finding current ones for similar reasons download times can be so lengthy, users do not want to share files if they feel no one is interested or downloading them.

Many users feel safe and anonymous while downloading files and are jaded to the fact that each time you download a file using a peer to peer network, the most popular way to download files, you place your exact IP address viewable to all persons who are uploading or downloading that file. This huge security risk is often over looked by many people and they continue to feel they have total anonymity while on the internet. Some sites and individuals know a few of the many ways to exploit file sharers and will readily take advantage of this knowledge. Sites will advertise forthcoming albums, games or movies and once downloaded it is either a virus or an entirely different file than what was advertised. Many sites offer 'special software' that is needed to run anything that is downloaded from their list of available files. This software is more often than not a malicious code that is programed to slow the performance of your computer by taking up all the resources it can.

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