Thursday, 4 February 2010

best plants for a water feature

Selecting plants for your outdoor pond or other water project is going to be a fun and decorative way to show your personality in your front or backyard. You can choose the size of pond that is right for you. You can put in a large pond if you have a very large piece of land. If you are limited with space you can buy a prefabricated pond. These are generally smaller in size and can fit in the smallest of spaces.

You can leave the ponds simple and let nature decorate around the pond, but where is the fun in that? You must also consider the type of plant life that will be able to survive in your ground. You will want your pond to be able to have good drainage; you will not want it to flood every time that it rains. This will promote unwanted insects. You will also not want to have to keep cleaning up after a flooded pond. This will damage any of the plants and decorations that you have around the pond.

Once you have decided the size, shape, and placement of the pond you will be deciding what type of plants that you want to grow around or even inside the pond. If you pond area gets plenty of sun you will be able to sustain many of the beautiful flowering plants.

Water lilies come in a great variety of colours and sizes. They have a wonderful scent that will keep the area smelling great. They are also a big showy bloom that is very pleasing to the eye. These plants will bloom all summer long. They are best grown in the area of your pond that is no deeper than 24 inches.

Marginal plants usually grow best in very shallow water, usually around the edges of the pond. These plants are also called bog plants. They grow best in the deeper waters of your pond.

The floating plants are grown on the top of the pond. They are very plentiful once they are introduced so be very careful that they do not get out of control. Examples of these plants would be the water hyacinth, floating moss, and duck weed.

The last type of plant is the most important plant of your pond. They add oxygen to your pond and improve the quality of your pond water. These plants just grow in the water and do not have roots in the mud. They actually root in the water.

Your pond is going to be a source of reflection, so whatever you plant around the pond will be reflected in the water like a mirror. It will be a beautiful and serene place for you to sit and ponder the universe. You could also just sit and enjoy the fruits of your hard labour. The great thing is that you can enjoy it all year long not just in the summer; some of the plants grow and flower in the winter and spring.

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