Tuesday, 29 December 2009

5 Common Myths about Abdominal Workouts

Many people dream of getting some really solid washboard abs, and they are willing to do a lot of things to reach that rippling physique via abdominal workouts.

There are, however, a lot of myths associated with such workout regimens - and they have the potential to cause injury if you do not correct them fast!

So without further ado, here are the five most common myths about abdominal workouts, plus the truth behind the myth:

"I will gain six-pack abs in a matter of days!" Muscle development takes time, and nothing you do will shorten it down to a couple of days.

In fact, you will to doggedly stick to your workout program for about a few weeks before you can even begin to notice any change in your body's physique. Anything faster than this is impossible, and pushing yourself to develop muscles by pumping iron three times for every day of the week is extremely dangerous for your health.

"I need specialized equipment to get six-pack abs!" Telemarketers will deny it, sports gyms will deny it, but the truth of the matter is that you can get sufficient abdominal workouts using only your body.

Air pedaling, plain crunches, vertical crunches, side crunches and any other exercise that contracts the abdominal muscles are sufficient for building abs. Specialized equipment may help you focus exercise on your abdominal muscles, but they are in no way necessary to build and shape your abs.

"I have to do x crunches, y presses and z lifts a day to get six-pack abs!" A common mistake people make when working out is to focus on repetition - not intensity.

Even a single set of intense crunches is more effective than ten sets of half-baked crunches. The mark of a good workout is the 'burn' that you feel when the muscles are stretched to their limits. Look for this burning sensation whenever you are working out, and you should be able to effectively sculpt your abs to perfection.

"I only need to focus on exercise to get six-pack abs!" Bodybuilding is as much about diet as it is exercise, which is why you need to watch out what you eat if you want your muscles to develop properly.

This is especially true for abdominal workouts, as even a slight layer of fat will cover the abs and prevent them from being visible. Mix in the health and living complications of a poor diet, and you will only put your own body in greater peril.

"I don't need to worry about my six-pack abs disappearing!" Oh, you better be worried - muscles can atrophy if they are not used, and this is especially true for well-developed muscles.

This is not a one-time thing that ends once you achieve your desired physique. You need to keep going at it for the rest of your life. Otherwise the muscles will begin to lose their original shape, sag down and totally ruin your sculpted body.

Make sure to bust these five myths about abdominal workouts, and you will be well on your way to safely, effectively and permanently sculpting the perfect set of six-pack abs!

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