If your trying to advertise your business online, dont overlook to keep a close eye on your internet marketing statistics. Whilst marketing data can habitually refer more to industry data than your own personal selling results, what you in truth need to recognize are the figures to apply only to your own business.The information your searching for can be everything from the amount of page views of your website, to how many clicks a actual link in an email or advertisement takes to bring you a fresh customer, or even how many of those click-throughs truly purchase something or sign up for your mailing list so you can send them a email afterward.
This is the most important info you have, because it tells you if your plan is working or not. For instance, if your internet marketing statistics confirm that an advertisement you positioned in a newsletter drew extremely few people to your site, and few if any of those signed up for your mailing list or purchased anything,you`ll recognize that your advertisement was a inadequate sales copy and that you need to do some rethinking. It could be that your ad was ineffective, it could be that the traffic is just not buying traffic that you need. find an ad that you`ve previously had success with and try that , does this new ad fail also. If it does, maybe this is not the right market for you product or service. If you get a positive responce from the fresh ad then rest assured its the old ad and not the market.
If you fail to keep a check on you internet marketing statistics, then the whole lot becomes guesswork. Successful internet campagins are not run this way, If your still having problems getting visitors to follow through and signing up for a list or buying? Your problem still could be its just not the right market for your product or service, maybe the content on your page isn`t persuasive enough for the reader to click though this is something you should look into.
Most likely you`ve optimized you website for certain keywords pertaining to your website business. Type them in to a few different search engines and see if your site is in the top 10 or so listings. If it’s not on the front page of listings, most searchers won’t see it at all because so few ever click as far as the second page of outcome, unless necessary. Page rank is one of the more important internet marketing information you can monitor, right along with link performance.
Thank you for reading this article and please check out my other sites Click Here and also my site on Bread Makers
Sunday, 1 November 2009
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